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Here’s a list of my clients and colleagues complaints about group coaching programs.

– The group is so big that the coach doesn’t even know their name

– It’s a “content” course, not a coaching course

– The course is taught with only one way in mind (aka – “it’s my way or the highway”)

– Only a few of the members seem to be having success

-Feeling alone in the group – that everyone “gets” it but them

-The coaching is done by “junior” coaches

They’re frustrated and disappointed with their results. Lots of “promises” that never came true.

I’ve noticed these issues, too. I’ve worked with very high level clients who’ve told me the same
thing. That’s why when I created my program I took all of those factors into account. I wanted
my program to be different – to be special.  Frankly, I was disappointed with a lot of the
offerings I was seeing out there.

My private clients get fantastic results (you can read about them here) and I also have a gift
for pulling together a really fabulous community.  I wanted to find a way to put both of these
together so my members’ results would multiply even more!

Putting together the BRILLIANCE Coaching Program ™, I thought about all of the things I personally would really want in a group coaching program (which had to include private coaching by me!). I added all of the essential (and bonus) ingredients that I knew were key to any entrepreneur’s (up-leveling) of success.


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There are 3 different levels so you can choose the one that is the best fit for you.

Why’s it called BRILLIANCE? Because the members want to grow their business and stop playing it
small. Because the members make smart decisions. Because the members want to shine. Because the
members want success on their own terms.

Here’s my invitation to join us today:


Be Brilliant,






Kate Beeders, Mindset & Marketing Expert

P.S. There are a limited amount of spots open in the BRILLIANCE Coaching Program ™
so you’ll want to check it out today!  http://www.brilliancecoachingprogram.com/join