You have probably noticed I write and talk a lot about money. I know there are a lot of you out there who want to earn more money, and there are a lot of you who are uncomfortable with this subject. BUT, (and this is really important), I don’t talk about money for money’s sake.
Money is a form of energy. It’s something we trade to get something else. For example, before there was money, people might have traded grain to get cows…or maybe they traded labor (helping someone build a house) and in return, they got a horse. Now, we give cash or our credit card and we get something…a service or a product. So, we’re just trading money for something else. That’s all we’re doing when we pay a bill…trading our money for a service or product we’ve received.
BUT, why does your (lack of) money effect how you feel about yourself? One person recently said to me, “I feel good when I have money...” Another said, “I feel kinder, more generous, more loving …when I have money”….I feel more confident when I have money” Does that sound familiar to you? This is very important, because when you’re feeling “good”…or “more loving, kinder and generous”..or “confident” …don’t you find you are more creative, more energized…all of the good stuff happens. So, isn’t that one of the BIG reasons you want the money?
One reason I like money is it allows me to travel…it gives me the freedom to work wherever I want. Here’s a picture of me on a recent trip through the beautiful Canadian Rockies. When I travel, I feel creative, open, energetic, limitless and so much more. I want to feel that way as often as I can.
So, back to the people I mentioned earlier. WHY don’t these people feel “good, confident, kinder, or more loving” all of the time? Shouldn’t they? Why is their level of money controlling their emotions?
I believe the reason for the change in emotions is their relationship with money. Their beliefs and fears around money (beliefs like “I’ll never have enough” …”it will never last”…”there isn’t enough to go around”…”I’m judged by how much money I have”.. “what if I lose it” ….) are so powerful that it effects how they view themselves and the world. And, when you’re in that state, you’re feeling “small, scared, fearful, anxious, and stressed.…”
Where do you want your energy to be around money???
So, when you hear me talk about money, it’s because my belief and vision is that we are here to live happy lives and my passion is to help you get there.
Here are a 3 Success Tips to help you feel “good…kinder.. confident …. more loving” more often whether or not the money is visible:
#1 – Set up a separate savings account where you put a percentage of your earnings in every week/month. It doesn’t matter what percentage you start with as you can continue to increase it. You’ll be surprised at how quickly the amount you have saved will grow. The reason this it important is it gives you that feeling of security by having money there for you. This should be your personal account where you can spend the money however you would like…whether it’s for something for your business, a vacation or for retirement
#2 – Imagine that the money is here. Right now. You might not be able to see it, but start getting into the feeling that the money is on it’s way to you. Close your eyes and picture that. What would you do if the money was here? How would you feel if the money was here? What would you be doing differently? Really get into that feeling and image and hold on to it. Start feeling yourself feeling stronger and more confident.
#3 – Do the really important work of clearing out these negative beliefs and thoughts about money. I recommend my favorite technique, “tapping” (you can read more about “tapping” on my website), to clear out these old beliefs and experiences and replace them with more positive ones so you can more forward – and, more often be in that “good, loving place“. If you’re ready to take this important step in your journey, apply for a complimentary Discovery Session with me to learn how you can make these changes quickly and easily. The first step is to fill out this brief questionnaire –
Please post below and share what you tell yourself about money…
Be Brilliant,
To me, money is only a by-product of what I am doing and not the original motivation for doing it. Some may see this as a fault and perhaps it is, but you know what they say; do something you love and you will never have to work a day in your life 🙂
Although I consider myself a good at what I do, and support people to get great results, my money issues let me down as I have never been paid for what I do.
All the jobs I’ve had in my life, that I’ve found fulfilling, were helping people to be better than they are, but I have always been low paid.
I have also taken part in a lot of voluntary work helping others.
In the past I’ve taken on brand new roles, worked very hard learning what I need to do, put systems in place so that others can do what I do, then encourage and watch them go much further and achieve what I would have liked to achieve myself.
I sometimes wonder whether I will ever believe what I’m capable of and that I can be worthy of high paid work
Thanks for the money blog.
I think we are so bombarded in our society to “spend” all the time, that we place more value on money than on how we personally feel inside. Tapping is a wonderful tool to use to help get us back into a healthy balance.