I’m so sick of people saying they can’t move forward in their business until they find their “purpose”.
They delay taking action.
They seek the perfect answer.
They search under every rock.
I first heard about “finding your purpose” when I became an entrepreneur. We certainly didn’t talk about it when I was in Corporate. And, it was like this deep, dark secret thing that we all had to discover to become a successful entrepreneur.
It was almost as if I couldn’t move forward to the level I wanted until I knew exactly what it was. That was a lot of pressure for me to have and I certainly didn’t like it. And, not only did I have to figure it out – it had to be the perfect purpose. That created a lot of internal pressure on me.
Everyone was making this really big deal of finding your purpose. It’s almost as if it is something magical and exciting. And, all of a sudden, once you land upon it, these previously closed doors will open wide, while, simultaneously, the heavens will drop down money to you.
It doesn’t work that way.
Here’s your purpose. I’m going to save you lots of time, money, heartache and more by just telling you what it is.
Are you ready?
Are you holding onto your seat?
Drumroll, please!!!
Your purpose is (are you holding your breath?)…. to live the best version of you. Nothing less.
Now, let what I just shared with you settle in.
You need to live the best version of you.
That’s why you’re here on Earth.
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” ~ Aristotle
Imagine what you would and could accomplish if you did that.
Imagine how you would show up.
Imagine who and what you would attract and magnetize in your life.
Imagine what you would have in your life if you were the best version of yourself.
Now, that would be magic!
That would cause the heavens to open up and shower you with abundance. That is why you’re here.
Starting now, think about the answers to these questions and write them down.
What is one action step you can take today?
What is one action step you can take this week?
What is one action step you can take this month?
By taking that action step, what will change?
- In your business?
- In your life?
Are you ready for those changes?
If you aren’t ready, that may cause you to procrastinate.
Be Brilliant,
Mindset, Money & Marketing Expert
P.S. Ready for a Breakthrough? Apply for 1 of 4 spots that I am opening up this month on my calendar.
Trying to find your purpose is unproductive if you try to do it before taking any action. I found that moving ahead with my private practice led me to find what I was especially good at and what I was happiest doing. Simple.
Rather do what comes naturally. Use your strengths, share what you know and be open to learning more. Being an entrepreneur is hard work but you keep at it because you love what you do. That’s a good purpose right there.
thanks for sharing your opinion, Joyce 🙂