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It annoys me when I post something on Facebook that either I think is really cool, or something I’m proud of, but I don’t get very many likes.  Seriously, what’s up with that?  I want to say “hello…anyone out there”?

Have you had this happen, too?

However, when I post something really weird, wacky or personal…boom!  Everyone is commenting.  Honestly, what the heck is going on?

Have you ever met or run into someone and they know all about what is going on in your life, yet they have never once commented on your posts?  It’s as if you have a “stalker”.  I’ve had that happen more times than I can remember.  It’s kind of eerie.  Seriously, why do they hide?12201219_s

Recently, a new friend, and I were talking about this phenomenon and I came to the conclusion its based on jealousy.

Now, before you get all red in the face and disagree with me, hear me out.

I don’t mean that the other person is green with envy or wants something bad to happen to you.

I don’t even mean that your post is “show-offy”.

What I do mean is that the other person is sub-consciously comparing themselves to you and that’s why they don’t “like” or “comment”.   They are looking at where you are, and where they are, and noticing the gap.

Perfect example.  It’s a cold, snowy winter and you post photos of your trip to the Caribbean.  Well, any “friends” you have who are disappointed that they’re stuck in the cold, won’t “like” your post.  They wish they were there.  They don’t begrudge you your trip, but notice where they are.

Now, here’s why I’m writing about this.

No one takes more risks than an entrepreneur.  It is often very scary.  It feels like jumping without a net, most often.  To be successful and play a bigger game, it means putting ourselves out there-  All Of The Time!

So, imagine how it feels (I’m being vulnerable here) to post something important that you believe or that has happened, and get a small response.  It doesn’t feel very good until you’re able to get to that mindset of not letting other’s opinions bother you.

But, what if in the meantime you could support your entrepreneur friends and make a really huge effort to “like” and comment on their posts?  You would be supporting them.  And, imagine, (as this is how energy works), that as you give, more comes back to you in return.  That you start getting more “likes” and comments.

So, get out from hiding and start showing up fully.  Let others know you are out there.

There are even statistics out there that once one person “likes” something, more people will jump on that bandwagon.  Isn’t one of the reasons you became an entrepreneur to ignite transformation?

Here’s an easy way to start.  No one wants to be the first.  Prove those stats wrong.  Be the first!

Be Brilliant,



