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Samantha or Darren?Screen Shot 2015-09-15 at 1.06.57 PM
Who did you like better?


One could have whatever she wanted…the other was very practical.


I’m particularly fond of Samantha, mostly, because my Great-Uncle created this very popular television show. (Seriously, everyone loved Samantha). When I was a little girl, I would walk around my house and wiggle my nose. Just like Samantha did. I believed I could have whatever I wanted.


Endora, well, that’s another story.


There’s a very strong belief deep inside of me, that manifestation is possible. That’s probably one of the reasons I’ve had so much success in my life.


Here are a few questions to ask yourself:


How do you live your life?


How do you run your business?


Are you ruled by paradigms and beliefs that you can only do so much?


Do you make your decisions on what is practical and what you believe is possible?


Or, do you decide what you want and then go get it?


Darren was always a bit worried, nervous and anxious. He never seemed to really enjoy his life. While, Samantha and her family were happy, fun and went after what they wanted.


What if you could grow your business that way?


Here are a few questions to help you figure out if you’re a “Samantha” or a “Darren”

When you make a decision, do you:

  • Decide you’re going to do it and figure out the “how” after you’ve said “yes”. It can be as easy as wiggling your nose to start.
  • Really want something but over-rationalize an internal list of all of the reasons why either you can’t have it or that it won’t work.

Once you’ve decided you want something, do you:

  • Go for what you want. After all, you deserve it!
  • Worry about what others will think? (Remember their neighbor, Gladys Kravitz?)


When dealing with the day-to-day of your business, do you:

  • Take care of what matters most (and know what that is)?
  • Juggle a lot of balls in the air always putting out fires? Each episode always had a “Darren” problem.


So, we’ve had a bit of fun with this exercise, but the most important awareness for you to take away, is that you can choose what you want for your business and life.


Once you learn to take full responsibly, you will find that you receive all that you want at a much faster rate.


Be Brilliant,








P.S. For Only 12 Entrepreneurs.


P.S.S. Hurry! Some of the spots have already been taken. Make sure to register today.