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“What would you attempt to do if you knew could not fail?”

This quote by Robert Schuller is one of my favorites as it allows us to think about what it would be like to be free to do whatever we would like to do and not be held back by our mindset blocks. 

Recently, I started working with a coach whose business was just a few years old.  She had some success but not a lot of it and what she had was definitely not consistent.  Ever since we started to work together, her weekly check-ins with me were full of all sorts of successes and milestones.  She’d report that she’s getting new clients, being asked to speak in front of groups and all sorts of amazing opportunities.  When I asked her what she thought had made a difference in her business now since we had starting working together, she paused for a moment, and then responded, “I’m learning to believe I can succeed.  By us clearing out a lot of these old stories and beliefs about myself, I’m learning to believe in myself.  Before, I used to be afraid that I wouldn’t do things right, that I would screw up and fail, so I wouldn’t bother trying or doing them.”

 Unfortunately, many people are afraid of failing so they procrastinate or subconsciously sabotage themselves to they don’t have to chance failing.  They stay stuck and then don’t have the business success or happiness in their life that they want. 

I actually grew up with a different belief.  My dad is what they call “self-made” and as a young boy, his dream was to be a Dentist.  So, he put himself through college and then through Dental School (his stories included hearing how he walked miles and miles to school everyday).  When I decided to write about this topic, I called him up and asked him if when he was younger and a student in school, if he was ever afraid he would fail and not become a Dentist.  His response was, “I never think that something I’m going to do will fail.  Sometimes it does, but I never think of it in that way.  The things that you worry about never end up happening”.   My mother added, “ We’ve never looked back with could have, should have, would have’.  Who would have thought that my parents were so profound! 

In my own life, I’ve had the same philosophy.  It’s allowed my business to grow faster than most, have amazing experiences and opportunities in my life, and give my heart to those I love and so much more. 

Back to the quote: “What would you attempt to do if knew you could not fail?”   What would you do?  Would you write that book?  Hold a workshop?  Publish your website?  Raise your rates or create new programs?  Talk to someone that you normally wouldn’t?   Open your heart and mind up in a way you’ve never imagined? 

Here are three (3) Success Tips to start you on your way:

  1. Spend 30-60 minutes in a quiet place without any distractions.  Turn off your cell phone, close your email and shut the door.  Now, really think about the quote and without censoring your responses, “What would you attempt to do if knew you could not fail?”.   Keep writing for those 30-60 minutes and don’t judge your response.
  2. Now, go back and look and what you’ve written that you want to do.  Prioritize your list starting with what is most important.  Give everything on your list a number.
  3. Create action steps for the first five (5) items on your list and set deadlines on when you want to make this happen. If you would like help, with this process, apply for a Complimentary Discovery Session.  During this time, we’ll uncover what is blocking you and what steps you need to take to move forward.   Here’s the link to get started: http://tinyurl.com/discoveryKate

Be Brilliant,





P.S.  Please post below and let me know how the Success Tips work for you