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It’s harder to achieve less and easier to achieve more.                            41102647_s


I’ve been trying to lose 5 (okay, I admit it, 8 pounds) over the last year or two…and you would think I’ve been trying to lose a million pounds.

It had seemed impossible. Even a type A like me was starting to think “why bother” because the scale would barely budge. It didn’t matter what I did. Working out. Walking. Running. Giving up sugar. I couldn’t see a measurable shift.

I almost gave up. But I didn’t. Instead, I found better support to help me achieve my goals. I found out that with was starting and the goal I was trying to reach, ½ pound a week would be excellent and on target.

So, here I am about 10 weeks later and I’ve lost the 5 pounds. Three more to go. Now that I understand how it works, I’m confident I’ll lose those last few pounds.

What does that have to do with you in your business and making money? Everything!

Trying to lose just a few pounds, I almost justified that it wasn’t so bad if I didn’t reach my goal That it would be okay. Even though it wasn’t really okay.

Where do you do that in your business… justify that not being where you want to be is “okay”?   Where do you settle?

Look at where you are in your business TODAY and where you are trying to go over the next year?

  • What do you like about your business? (This should be a long list.)
  • What do you dislike about your business? (Remember, you started your business out of passion so if you have a lot of dislikes, it’s time to make some changes and/or hire support.)
  • What intentions do you have for the next year in your business?

This is a perfect time of year to answer these questions and decide what needs to happen next.


Be Brilliant








P.S.  For 12 Entrepreneurs Only.