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There’s a famous story that’s told in Napoleon Hill’s, Think and Grow Rich, about an investor  42721699_sbuying land, having equipment dig a certain area in Colorado during the Gold Rush days. After many attempts, he ended up not finding the gold he had hoped for and went bankrupt. He sold the land and equipment to a “junkman” for basically pennies.   The junk man was smarter than this investor, as he knew about “fault lines” and continued to search for gold. Only 3 feet from where this original investor had been searching, he struck gold- resulting in him making a fortune.

Re-reading this book for the umpteenth time, reminded me of how often entrepreneurs stop short of their goals. Often, they are also only 3 feet away. Just like the investor, they don’t realize how close they are.

Take a look today at where you are in your business.

How many times have you quit when you thought that failure was imminent, when with just a little more persistence, only 3 feet away, the success you were looking for was waiting for you.

The truth is that most of you will never know the answer to that.

The reason is that you have justified all of the reasons you have quit.

Maybe you’ve said some (or all) of these things to yourself:

  • It’s taking too long…
  • It’s too hard…
  • I’m scared…
  • What if I do all of this work and STILL don’t get it…
  • And, much more…

What’s even scarier is that you actually believe that voice that is saying that to you. You believe it too be true.

  • You believe it is taking too long
  • You believe it is too hard
  • You are scared
  • You are afraid that you won’t get it after doing all of that work
  • And, much more…

That voice you’re hearing is very loud. It often plays over and over like a bad recording.

Until you learn to understand that it is only a voice and not the truth, you will forever stop 3 feet away.


Be Brilliant,








P.S.  Only a few spots left.  Join us at the Money Acceleration Event