I used to think it was all about the money. Reaching the end goal. Partly, because I’m really results-oriented and partly because of my background in corporate. It was always about winning and being successful. Boom! That’s where the rewards always were.
In corporate, my boss called to congratulate me for the first big multi-million dollar project I won. And, in the same breath, he said, “what are you doing for us next?”
Setting goals and achieving them. That was my pattern and I was very successful at it.
However, as I’ve been growing my own business, I’m come to have a new definition of success. I’ve always told my clients that there’s no point in reaching the goal if you don’t enjoy the journey. After all, if it’s just about the money – then go get a job. The clients and community I attract are smart, talented and really amazing. If it was just about the money for them, they’d get a regular paycheck.
“The main event has never been the manifestation; The main event has always been how you feel moment by moment, because that’s what life is”.
I had a big “aha” recently that led me to re-write my vision statement. I typically review mine frequently, but this time it was so different. As I looked down on my card after I wrote it, I felt my heart sing. I was so happy and ecstatic that I couldn’t wait to share it. That’s how I knew what I had written was the truth. For me.
What is your truth? What vision will make your heart sing? If it doesn’t make your heart sing, don’t waste your time on it.
I’ll tell you a secret before I sign off. When I shared my new vision with my coach, she wasn’t surprised. In fact, she shared with me that she was waiting for me to uncover this next layer.
Maybe you need help uncovering yours?
Be Brilliant,