“Kate can work miracles.”
Kate can work miracles. We met approximately six months ago and began working together. I was an emotional mess because of a family member’s illness and eventual death, and my brother and I had recently started our own travel company. I could not focus on work and really did not want to get out of bed most mornings. Kate introduced me to tapping to help release the negative energy and shared with me that really helped to improve my state of mind. I now have more energy and a more positive outlook and am able to focus on building our business. Thank you, Kate!
– Donna Bruno

“One of the best investments I made last year was to get Kate on my team.”
One of the best investments I made last year was to get Kate on my team.”Rapid Cash & Success Solutions™” was a perfect start. Then I participated in her VIP coaching program. Due to Kate’s contributions, I have developed new programs, had more participants and have structured my work much better while I have let go of old patterns. The results were increased income and more success. I have also managed to get on the first page of Norway’s largest magazine with a big article about a success I had with a client. Kate has a unique combination of business coaching and EFT that can be recommended most warmly. She is very talented! I look forward to new successes with Kate to come.
– Anne Vaa Lillehaug
Kreative Mind , www.kreativmind.no

“I was able to feel confident and clear about the decision I wanted to make to bring my business to the next income level.”
I just took Kate’s Stress Reduction class and I’m feeling more relaxed already. I was concerned about a decision I had to make for my business and as a result was feeling tense about it. I was very impressed by the way she could easily extract out my problems and issues and then quickly apply them into her process in real time. By working with Kate, I was able to quickly release that tension, feeling confident and clear about the decision I wanted to make to help bring my business to the next income level. She’s a real professional.
– Debra Zimmer

“The sales I had been hoping for came through.”
I set up coaching last year because I was worried about how I would pay my bills until January and wanted to shift my energy about it. I had never made ANY money in December in my business! I had pretty much given up on it ever happening. I was afraid to market to people, in fact. As we tapped on this, a belief came up that I didn’t believe people would buy from me in December because of the holidays.
When I released this belief, within 24 hours I had an idea of something I could offer that was perfect. I had 15 eager buyers, which ultimately turned into even more income as some of these folks bought higher ticket programs the following year, The real reason I’m writing you, though, is because I’m smiling looking ahead at next month. I fully expect to bring in $10,000 or more, and I have NO worries inside about how this will happen or whether it’s even possible. THANK YOU for helping me believe that my business year doesn’t end November 20, but December 31st!
– Beth Grant

“I was able to feel confident and clear about the decision I wanted to make to bring my business to the next income level.”
I didn’t hesitate to sign up for a Private VIP Day with Kate. I had two challenges; I wasn’t earning what I knew I should be and I was working tirelessly to figure out how to take my business to the next level. That all changed after spending the day with Kate.
In our time together we mapped out my exact program and product offerings for the next year. We set realistic and attainable monthly financial goals to reach the next income level I’ve been striving for and she helped me see that I could charge what I’m worth and get it.
Within two weeks of our retreat I signed one new client, revamped a coaching program which I turned into a course and subsequently filled and had a sale on some of my products and services. As a result I easily made $3,500. Plus I had an additional bonus of completely reorganizing my workspace and email inbox.
I can’t thank Kate enough for this day. I’m now in motion to double my income in the coming year and without a doubt I can now see how I’ll be able to achieve all of my business goals.
– Jeannie Spiro

“I immediately noticed my concerns and worries dropping away.”
“I recently started a brand-new business venture after leaving the traditional business world. Naturally, I had concerns about my new business’ success regarding getting clients and making money. Working with Kate in my Success Intensive, I immediately noticed my concerns and worries dropping away. At the end of our time together, I felt extremely confidential happy, excited and empowered. Most importantly, I could hear the word “YES” coming from lots of clients. As a result, I was able to connect with clients in the week that followed. I am very happy with the results from working with Kate and am looking forward to more fast business success. ”
– Prakash Lutchman

“I’ve noticed a big difference in how I approach my business.”
Since working with Kate, I’ve noticed a big difference in how I approach my business. There were some areas that I would procrastinate in. Then, I would feel stressed because I hadn’t gotten them done in time. Now, I feel more focused and know what needs to be done and enjoying the process. I’m trying new approaches in my business which Kate had suggested, and am excited to see a much better response than how I use to handle it. My business has doubled since working with Kate.
– Michelle Hughes

“I’ve raised my rates without any discomfort for the first time ever.”
I started working with Kate at a time when I felt really stuck in my practice. I was working long hours, chasing every new marketing program and seemingly bright idea that I happened across, and feeling like I had no direction whatsoever and wasn’t being paid enough for all the work I put in. From the first session, Kate helped me make big changes that have really made a difference to my practice and my life. I raised my rates without discomfort for the first time ever; began offering clients session packages and programs rather than individual sessions, which has helped with cash flow and planning; began running webinars which have boosted my profile and generated extra revenue; and sharpened my focus by defining my ideal client and my practice specialities. The combination of business tips and strategies, and EFT directed at shifting my limiting beliefs, was exactly what I needed to break through my barriers. Thank you Kate for giving me such a flying start on my new path! I will definitely be working with you again in the future.
– Robyn Chuter