The Forever Cali Project
Caretaker’s Support Group
Over recent years, the dogs in our lives have taken on new roles. They used to be thought of as “pets”. We fed them canned food or table scraps, walked and played with them, but there wasn’t the same emotional attachment that there is today. Now, we refer to them as our best friends, children, family members and our heart.

Startling Statistics
- Studies show that the average life expectancy of dogs increased from 10.5 years to 11.8 years between 2002 and 2016.
- Keys to a longer living dog are exercise, healthy diet, dental hygiene, regular vet visits and you! 95% of pet owners consider their dogs to be family.
- 74% of pet owners reported mental health improvements from pet ownership, and 75% of pet owners reported a friend’s or family member’s mental health has improved because of the pets in their lives.
The common denominator in all of the above is “you.” So, as we used to say when I was a flight attendant, put the “oxygen mask” on yourself first. The better care you take of your own well-being, the better care you can take of your dog.
You are not alone.
In the last few years of Cali’s life, I knew my role had changed. My beautiful girl, my heart, had lost most of her sight, her hearing and had other serious ailments that go along with the aging process. I adjusted my life to give her the best care.
Her veterinarians and my goal for Cali was to keep her happy, healthy, and comfortable. I “happily” did what I could as she was my heart. I would have walked through fire for that girl. Not only did Cali frequent excellent specialists, but she also had holistic veterinary care.

The additional treatments that I found for Cali made a huge difference. In addition to traditional veterinarian care, Cali received natural and supplemental therapies such as vitamins/minerals, acupuncture and physical therapy. I even cooked organic stew for her. Nothing but the best for my girl!
Some days, I felt that I was taking better care of Cali than myself. I was developing “Caretaker’s Fatigue.” My stress level was high and I wasn’t sleeping well. It was difficult for me because I couldn’t admit how worried and afraid I was. I was making a lot of it up as I went along and learning to trust my intuition. I was traveling down a road I had never been before. Thank goodness I had support.

Keep Reading.
Ultimately I had to say goodbye to my almost 17-year-old girl, which was one of the saddest days in my life. I bless every day that I had with Cali and am grateful for the support of friends, family and veterinarians who made her passing a little easier.
Going through Cali’s challenges, I realized that many dog owners don’t have the support I found. That’s why I created The Forever Cali Project focused on supporting canine caregivers. This is my “heart” project to honor Cali. It feels so right to direct my energy to supporting others who must walk the path I recently completed. As I write these words, I can feel Cali in my heart, blessing this project.
Is this right for you?
If you’ve got your own 4-legged child/best friend/family member/dog who is facing health challenges, and you’re feeling a lot of stress (and maybe some overwhelm) about the care required, I want to share a way to help you. This could be a “senior” dog or a dog that requires more of you than to “eat, play and go for walks.”
This support is for you, if:
- You’re spending more time taking care of (or worrying about) your 4-legged child than ever
- You worry about making the “right” decisions
- You never realized the amount of work required (time, energy, and money)
- Your dog means everything to you; you dread the day you’ll have to say “goodbye”
- You worry about new medical diagnoses that pop up as your dog gets older
- The people in your world don’t seem to “get” how much your dog means to you
- You want a safe place where you can share your fears and doubts without feeling “judged”
This support isn’t for you, if:
- Your 4-legged love is a cat or other animal. (While all animals are special, my experience and focus is limited to dogs.)
Why me?
As a coach, international speaker, workshop facilitator and best-selling author, I’ve been helping people all over the world for over the last decade to overcome challenges, handle stress, make solid decisions, and move into their brilliance.
The Forever Cali Project Caregivers’ Group aims to expand the caregiver’s circle of support and provide a safe place to talk with others about their concerns and needs.

My strong background in leading support groups has helped individuals learn new and practical skills, build community, become empowered, and reduce anxiety…things that can make a huge difference for you and your beloved 4-legged companion!
You can learn more about my professional experience by clicking here.
"We are so grateful to have learned from Kate"
Kate Beeders hosted a presentation on stress-reduction and guided mindfulness techniques for the doctors, techs, and frontline staff at Angell Animal Medical Center, a 24/7 emergency and specialty animal hospital in Boston, MA. In an already high-stress environment, our hospital staff has been faced with the additional overwhelming challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Kate helped immediately with her understanding and empathy, relatability, and scientifically proven methods of alleviating stress. We are so grateful to have learned from Kate, and will put the techniques and concepts we learned from her into practice to take care of ourselves and each other, and ultimately the animals, during this difficult time.
Ali Fine, Project Coordinator/Assistant to the Chief of Staff, Angell Animal Medical Center
How This Works.
- Group sessions will be via Zoom (60 to 90 minutes).
- Group size is limited to create an intimate setting and allow for participation.
- All attendees will be given an opportunity to share their experience and ask for support in the area needed.
- Attendees will be able to experience tapping meditation towards the end of each session to reduce day-to-day stress.
* NOTE: Personally, I didn’t realize how much stress I had taken on until I started to feel overwhelmed. When my tapping coach “tapped” with me, I noticed a complete change. My stress level lowered quickly and my attitude towards Cali became even more loving!
My hope.
My hope for you is that with a safe place to share your feelings as a caretaker, it will become easier for you to manage your dog’s day-to-day demands and enjoy your time together even more!
How to join.
Join us to share your story and tell us what kind of support you need. Due to the group’s small size, we request that 72 hours’ notice be given for cancellation. There will be regular Zoom Support Group calls. As long as there is space available, you can register. $45/session.
Upcoming Dates.
Please email us at [email protected] for the next scheduled group date and sign-up information.
*Attendees must take personal responsibility for their well-being as I am not a medical professional or veterinarian. Results for tapping will vary. This support group will be a safe place for you to share your feelings. No self-promoting, please.
**Private, virtual coaching sessions are available for those desiring that service. Please email [email protected] or schedule a quick chat with Kate to learn more.
*** Partial scholarships available to those in need. Please contact us at [email protected]
**** Must be 18 years of age or older to attend