Finally! The ability to create the quick cash you need to take your business beyond struggle to success is here! In a powerful, ground-breaking course that can end your money worries once and for all!
Dear Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur and Self-Employed Professional:
It’s unfortunate and often disastrous. But I see it everywhere I look.
There’s a good chance you’re smack dab in the middle of it RIGHT NOW. And unless you do something about it soon, it’s the one thing that can keep your business stuck in the mud.
Because it’s the one thing that is keeping you from creating the big breakthrough in your business that changes everything. It’s the one thing that’s forcing you to pump hour after hour into your business, while you’re neglecting your health, your sanity, and even the people you love the most. It’s the one thing that’s keeping your business and your life stuck in neutral, even though you feel in your heart you are destined for greatness.
Even if you’re doing well, this one thing is keeping you from enjoying your success because, in the pit of your stomach, you feel you’re just one unexpected crisis away from catastrophe.
And that ONE thing is: The ability to create
the money you need for the things you want.
Anytime you need it. FAST.
Imagine what it would be like if you never had to say, “I can’t afford it” again. Imagine if you could afford the training and support that would create unstoppable success. Imagine if you could manifest the cash that would free you to do what you love. And spend time with those you love.
You could finally stop making decisions based on your money worries, and start making them from a ground of stunning possibility.
Well… imagine no more!
Because if you act now, you can discover powerful keys to create a quick cash infusion, whenever you want it. To put your money fears to bed… forever!
Quick Cash Infusion Online Self-Study Telecourse
The only course that reveals the secrets that gave me the resources to build my business from NOTHING to over six-figures in a little over a year. That made it possible for me to create a life-changing event that brought in over six-figures in just a few days.
That enabled me to live a life of freedom, I scarcely could have imagined just a few years ago. And that can do the exact same thing for you!

“I feel much better and more in control of my business and ability to make money when I need it.”
I was skeptical at first, but I am amazed at what has happened. Since the course started I have made in extra income, savings, surprise influxes of money, and new clients over 2,000 dollars!!! I gained a new client, connected with wonderful and inspirational people through the calls and forum, and got over my “calling” people fear. I have the ability to make money when I need it.
Thank you to Kate and everyone in the group.
– Laura Klekar
Because your biggest obstacle to financial freedom isn’t your talent or value. It’s the ability to generate the cash you need to take your business beyond struggle to success. And to easily handle the unexpected crises that happen to all of us.
And when you join me and scores of other success-minded entrepreneurs in Quick Cash Infusion Online Self-Study, that’s exactly what you will discover! Including:
- The only system that combines my 15+ years of Business Development expertise, the Law of Attraction, my Tapping (EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques), Matrix Reimprinting, and more to help you get the fastest results possible.
- How to clear out and release the unconscious money blocks that are keeping you from creating the money that frees you forever.
- How to develop your own custom easy-to-implement quick cash action plan to put your current cash worries in the past.
- Discover hidden but powerful keys to an unstoppable money mindset, so your reality, finally matches all you want to attract into your life.
- My simple, effective technique to deal with those unconscious fears, thoughts and sabotaging behaviors that pop up. Imagine being able to tap away those negative beliefs and replace them with positive, confident thoughts!
- Fast and effective techniques to move out of fear… FAST! Because when you’re in the grip of fear, it’s almost like you’ve already declared yourself a loser. But when you know how to escape contraction… and move into expansion… the floodgates of cash open before you!
Look, I know you may feel that the ability to manifest money quickly is hocus pocus. Or that it’s only for people with special powers or skills.
Well, it’s time to return that story to the library!
“I manifested $5200 within a month of beginning the Quick Cash Infusion Course.”
I was attracted to the Quick Cash Infusion Course because I wanted to learn about what was keeping me from the money I knew I was capable of making, and how to attract more.
I decided to manifest the $5200 I needed for registration, materials and travel to attend a training that would support me to build my online course. I manifested this within a month of beginning the Quick Cash Infusion Course. So I’m working on a second Quick Cash Infusion and am already a third of the way with a month to go before my deadline. I’m feeling confident.I now know that I can have whatever I want, and that I can have it without sacrificing myself, my relationships or my ethics. This course and Kate’s help has helped me open up the world.
– Kirstin Lund

Let me be crystal clear: This isn’t one of those endless, crazy complex programs, where you wonder if the payoff will EVER come. It’s a simple proven path to the quick cash infusions that change everything!
This also isn’t the same old Law of Attraction stuff you’ve heard before. Because the truth is: Most Law of Attraction “experts” are REALLY struggling. (Crazy isn’t it?)
This is a groundbreaking synthesis of the most powerful Law of Attraction principles, powerful mindset secrets to move you out of fear and into expansion, my proven tapping system to neutralize money blocks fast, and simple but powerful actions. So your prosperity is no longer a pipe dream… but a foregone conclusion!
It’s a proven method to manifest the cash you need now.
With a speed that will take your breath away!
“I called my husband 3 times within an hour to tell him I had just booked another client!”
I am so happy I signed on for the Quick Cash Infusion with Kate Beeders. I was curious about the program so I took a leap of faith. First of all, I had the best month of my business during the month of July. One day I called my husband 3 times within an hour to tell him I had just booked another client! Secondly, I found the tapping very useful in helping me feel calm and focused which is huge for a busy entrepreneur.
I loved the environment Kate created within the community of participants. There was so much positive energy I felt really encouraged and supported. Most importantly, however, I found Kate to be a very warm, energetic and savvy mentor. Brava Kate! Thanks so much.
– Heather Poduska, Brand Strategist

And it’s all laid out for you, so all you have to do is show up, apply the secrets… and succeed! Imagine how your success will skyrocket when you can manifest money on cue… And you’re no longer making money decisions based on fear!
And when you sign-up now for Quick Cash Infusion Online Self-Study Telecourse you receive:
3 Powerful Teleseminar Training Sessions
I don’t want you to have to wait to create cash fast! So I am packing everything I know about creating massive money inflows with breathtaking speed into 3 life-changing teleseminar training sessions. So you don’t have to sweat for months or years to see results. And these amazing sessions walk you through exactly how to make it happen!
6 Recorded Q&A Sessions
I can’t emphasize how real and how doable this is! So I’ve included the same Q&A access my elite clients pay thousands for. So you get all your questions answered and receive crucial support to manifest your money intentions. It’s the individualized guidance you need to feel unstoppable!
Complete Recordings of Every Single Content Session
I know you’re busy. So if you ever have to miss a session, we’ve got you covered with complete start-to-finish recordings of every Content Session. So you won’t miss a single cash infusion secret and you will be able to review the sessions again and again, to ensure an even faster path to the cash that changes everything!
Once you know these quick cash infusion secrets, you will never say, “I’d love to do that, but I can’t afford it” again!
Because the BIG FACTOR that’s getting in your way is you are making decisions based on your money fears. So you’re cutting yourself off from the very experiences, resources and possibilities that could change everything.
Is it OK if I’m direct with you?
A mindset filled with constriction, dread and defeat prevent you from seeing the resources all around you RIGHT NOW that can take your business from struggle to success, and from pain to power and profit. So you will continue to wonder, “I’m doing everything I’m supposed to! Why is it so hard?”
But when you sign up for Quick Cash Infusion Online Self-Study today, you will take a giant leap to ending your money nightmares forever! With an amazing line-up of sessions that show you how to make it happen!
Session One: Get Into Your Money Zone
When you’re crystal clear on exactly what you want to manifest, you will be absolutely astounded how quickly the money can come! So we are taking a big leap, right from the start, to connect you with your own unstoppable Money Zone. Because when you combine amazing clarity with a powerful positive mindset, you can create the money you want right now!
Session Two: Clearing the Fast Path to Cash
Even the most compelling, clear vision doesn’t have a chance when blocks, fears and doubts derail your money train before it arrives. That’s why in Session Two, you will discover powerful, simple and effective tools to dissolve blocks and neutralize fears. You’ll discover the REAL engine that powers the Law of Attraction, and powerful tapping exercises that clear the way for your windfall.
Session Three: Quick Cash Flight Plan
You’re all fueled up, so it’s time to head down the runway for takeoff! And you will discover how to make your quick cash dreams take flight with powerful, simple action steps. Because I know once you taste the massive difference action makes, your life will never be the same. And I can’t wait to see the light bulbs go on once you start taking action… and seeing RESULTS!
Q&A On Each Call:
Once you’ve created your own Fast Cash Flight Plan, you want to ensure the wind is at your back so you can bring your cash infusion in for a smooth landing! So I have added an entire session of support, designed help you manifest your initial intentions. My high end clients enjoy massive rewards from my powerful individual guidance. And now… so can you!
Priceless Ongoing Q&A Access Calls:
Here’s the key: You can rinse and repeat this powerful process to create cash inflows for the rest of your life! And to help you experience this for yourself, I’m adding 6 additional Q&A weekly sessions. My life changed FOREVER the instant I understood the awesome power of these cash infusion principles. So I am doing everything I can to show you the ability to create money on cue lasts a lifetime!
AND, we'll be tapping away those blocks that have been keeping you stuck!!!
If you’ve never tapped with me before, it’s the most powerful mindset technique you’ll ever experience. If there was a better technique, I would have mastered it.

“Kate is a powerful and inspiring person”
Kate is a powerful and inspiring person. She has used her techniques to change her life dramatically, and she can do the same for you. I highly recommend her!
– Sandra Anne Taylor
NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author
Hay House Author/Radio Show Host
Now you may be wondering… why I am so certain these powerful keys can put an end to your cash fears forever?
I’m Kate Beeders. And like most of you, I wasn’t born with a magic money wand. In fact even a successful career in Business Development and Retail Management didn’t prepare me for the trials of being an entrepreneur!
When I was just starting my business and struggling to make sales, I was suddenly confronted with a massive car repair crisis that required a huge amount of money I didn’t have. And I can’t tell you how helpless I felt: Because for the first time in my life, I couldn’t do what I needed to keep myself safe. (Sound familiar?)
But as I felt the waves of fear about to grab hold, I made a decision that changed everything: I would NEVER find myself in this situation again. So I took immediate action to attract the cash I would need for my car. And in almost no time at all… I had every penny I needed… and more!

And I discovered that was this was no fluke.
I’ve created cash using these same powerful principles time and time again. And so have my clients! (Many of whom simply didn’t believe this was possible. Until the cash flooded in!)
And what it made possible for me and my business was nothing short of amazing. I’ve interviewed masters of success like Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsh and Ali Brown on my radio show. I was featured on the World Tapping Summit, with an audience of half a million people. I’ve had a best-selling book, spoken on stages across the country and created a life-changing event that brought in multi-six-figures in ONE WEEKEND! And I’m well on my way to my seven-figure dream business!
But the best part is, I’ve done it all without sacrificing:
Time with friends and family.
Taking care of myself.
Being true to myself, my spirituality OR my mission in my life.
And I’m not telling you this to impress you. But to be impressed with what is possible for you when you GET that the same powerful secrets that changed my life… can change yours!
But I wanted to go one step further. So I knew we would leave nothing to chance!
To ensure you not only discover how to create a quick cash infusion whenever you need it. But receive the powerful structure that delivers a lifetime of revenue AND the freedom to enjoy it. So, to make this a total no-brainer, when you sign up now you also receive:

“I have been known to manifest vacations, thousands of dollars at once, hotel room invoices that are marked paid”
The Quick Cash Infusion Course was one of the first courses that I took with Kate and it was very early in my businesses’ infancy stage. Little did I know that the techniques I gained in that one course is something that I would master and be the manifesting machine that I am. Since then, I have been known to manifest vacations, thousands of dollars at once, hotel room invoices that are marked paid and the money never came out of my account, first class tickets, and so much more from taking this course.
– Nicky Stansbury
Cash Infusion Mindset Movie (Value $500)
Money Manifestation Tapping Audio & Script:
Listen to every day and night (Value $500)

This life-changing 1-day experience not only helps you discover the secrets to “Be Brilliant!” and creates stunning success doing what you love, but it uncovers the powerful truth that has launched my own multi-six-figure success:
That it’s actually EASIER to make money fast!
I know that’s hard to believe. Once you’ve become a master and are able to apply a quick-money mindset across your entire business… the profits roll in. And you will never look back!
It all sounds amazing… but I know you may still have questions:
Kate… what if it’s a real stretch to come up with the money?
I get it. And that is EXACTLY why you need this class now. Why suffer for more months (or will it be years?) not being able to afford what you need to live your dreams! Many of my students receive a massive return on their investment even before the course is over! And while your results depend on your own commitment and action, here’s one thing I know with all my heart: Nothing EVER changes until you invest in what can help you create that change.
Kate… I have so many other obligations right now.
Is it OK if I’m direct with you? That’s true of everyone. And making your “obligations” bigger than your possibility is not only your ticket to continued struggle. It’s crowding out the very resources and keys that can set you free. Because the truth is: If you don’t put your own possibility first – what you are really saying is that you don’t matter. Is that the message you want to send to your kids?
Kate… how do I know if this is the right path for me?
Let me ask you: Could anything be more freeing than discovering the keys to create cash fast? And end all your money worries? Not “someday”… or after years of work, but often in a matter of weeks? I’ve seen students create money with a speed that surprised them! And I have seen them go on to do it again and again.
What could possibly be more important?

“If you’re looking to grow your business then Kate Beeders is the practitioner for you”
What a gift it is to find a practitioner who has extensive knowledge in the business world and is an expert tapping practitioner. If you’re looking to grow your business then Kate Beeders is the practitioner for you.
– Jessica Ortner
Because here is the crucial thing I discovered when I was faced with a staggering car bill I had no clue how to pay: My situation was NEVER going to change on its own.
Sure, you can find other ways to occupy your time, spend your money, or convince yourself you will “eventually get around to this”. You can continue to live this year just like you have lived every year before: With a gnawing dread about money. Knowing you are one crisis or bad break away from disaster.
Or you could simply decide your life is worth more than that. That YOU are worth more than that. And there is no better time than right now to become a magnet for the quick cash you need to end your money worries.
I know you’re skeptical. I know you’ve tried other approaches. But take a look at the powerful testimonials on this page from entrepreneurs just like you, who created real cash to solve their real crises. And then ask yourself:
How would my life change if one of those women was me?
You’re not dreaming: It’s an opportunity to finally discover the keys to creating cash fast. And when you sign-up now, you receive:
And because I want to make sure NOTHING stands in the way of you experiencing how fast things can change when you can create your own quick cash infusion, I’m making this groundbreaking training (including all the sessions and the ongoing Q&A available to you for ONLY:
Yep. That wasn’t a typo. That wasn’t a misprint.

“Every time we work together it’s powerful.”
Kate is Awesome! Everytime we work together it’s powerful, Day 1 of the Quick Cash Infusion Tele-series I attracted $1450.00 within 24hrs. It was a small amount yet I needed the additional cash to fund a small personal project. As I had funds allotted already for another purpose. I followed Kate’s instructions and attracted an additional $1325.00 48hrs later, topping a check in the mail for $795.00 and $2.99 this Monday morning at 10am. The class isn’t even over yet, but I had to write to share this…Love it!!!
– Unee Washington
Think about it… I’m literally throwing open the doors to my unique system to help you attract the money you want for the things that can make a massive difference in your business (and your life) … FAST! This really is the key to freedom. And there isn’t a single area of your life that it won’t touch.
I can’t wait for you to discover the power of what has changed my life, and the lives of so many of my clients. So it can change your life as well!
Be Brilliant,
P.S. – Sure you can try to make it happen on your own. But haven’t you been down that road before? Why not simply tap into the system that has created countless fast cash infusions for me and my clients? And end your money worries once and for all?
Click Here To Join Me Now!
Just click on one of the buttons and you’ll be taken to the appropriate registration page
for the Quick Cash Infusion Online Self-Study Telecourse.
And don’t worry. Our registration process is 100% secure so you can safely enter your credit card information.