Do you ever get frustrated because you’re not able to accomplish what you want each day?
Instead, you notice that you’re easily distracted and overwhelmed. When that happens, like most of us, you’ll find a reason to procrastinate. As a result, all of those dreams and visions you have for your life become a distant memory and become harder to reach.
Hi, it’s Kate Beeders, your Breakthrough Success Expert, and if you’re like me, you’ve probably tried a million different type of planners and journals. Some were the very corporate style and some required using lots of stickers and fun colored markers. Each time, I thought this would be the journal to keep me focused to get the results I wanted, and every time I ended up disappointed.
That was until I started using the BRILLIANT SUCCESS JOURNAL system.
Let me share a short story with you.
I decided to write my second book “Go or Don’t Go: The Complete Guide to Accelerate Your Success and Tap into Your Brilliance” over the December holidays which gave me a total of 10 days to write it. A pretty lofty goal but I knew I could easily stretch it out and the book would never get written. The system I used to write the book made it more straightforward than I ever could have imagined. I didn’t have to start writing at 4 am and complete at midnight – instead, I worked my regular hours and found the process very attainable, rewarding and even relaxing. That’s right, even relaxing. Usually, this type of schedule would have created a lot of internal stress – but it never happened.
Having now written my book, I am putting this amazing system in a journal for you to use. I’ve been teaching this system to my clients, and they’re thrilled with their results. I’ll bet you will be too!
I’m excited to share with you the BRILLIANT SUCCESS JOURNAL that I use every day. This planner gives me the clarity and focus I need to go through each day completing what’s most important in a much easier manner than I’ve ever experienced.

It’s a quarterly system because I wanted to keep it small enough for you to tuck in your bag or suitcase when you travel. I’ve had it with those big bulky journals that stay at home when I’m on the move, and then I lose my routine and stop using them!
It’s streamlined and only takes a few minutes to use each day (every morning and evening). If you’re looking for a fancy-dancy journal with lots of stickers and things to use, this isn’t what you’re going to get. This isn’t a “business-like” planner that will take you hours to write in resulting in you spending more time on the planner than enjoying each day.
I know you’re busy and I want to make this easy for you to make this part of your daily routine.
There’s a big difference between this and other journals and planners out there!
I’ve included my expertise in both mindset and strategy in compiling the structure and daily questions to help you get the best results possible.
Here are the really cool bonuses you’ll get with this journal:
1. Stress Reduction Tapping Audio and Script – $100 bonus
You can listen to this audio whenever you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. If you’ve never tapped before, don’t worry, because I’ve included a tapping video and chart for you to learn quickly. And, if you’re unfamiliar with tapping, it’s one of the most powerful ways to change your negative thoughts into positive ones. Knowing that stress and overwhelm can often get in the way, I’m gifting you this resource so this block won’t hold you back.

2. Celebratory Tapping Audio and Script – $100 bonus
What better way to end each day than to honor your daily celebrations? It doesn’t matter the size – big or small. It’s essential that you regularly pay attention to all of the wonderful aspects of your life!
One last thing to know about me: I’m extremely results-oriented. Some might call me an over-achiever; I prefer to think of myself as drawn to certain things and that propels me into focused action. That’s one of the personality traits that helped me become so successful in my corporate career. I especially love easy-to-use systems that save me time and help me make money! That’s what this journal is all about.
As you can see, this isn’t your ordinary planner or journal. I designed it to help you show up in your BRILLIANCE this year, and this is one of the best ways for you to step into it. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you will start to see shifts in your daily experience.
Be Brilliant,

If you’ve been following me, you know how important my girl, Cali, is to me. That’s why I’m donating 50% of all of the journal profits to the Angell-MSPCA in her name. This facility has helped save my girl’s life several times, they attract some of the best veterinarians in the country, and they’re also doing fantastic work in their animal shelter.
How will I know how to use this planner?
How long does this planner last?
Are the pages dated?
How do I receive the information on how to use the journal and the tapping audio?
Do I need to be an "over-achiever" to use this planner?
I want you to find this very user-friendly. I want you to find the process easy and the questions sometimes challenging (that’s where the growth is)…instead of the processing challenging and the questions easy.
Ultimately, it’s up to you as to how much time and energy you want to put into the planner and the results you want. As in anything, you must take personal responsibility for your life and your own results.