Early Bird Tickets Available! Save $700Yes! I want to GO!!!


There are 5 things that you are doing every day that are stopping your business from moving forward.  clients-150x150


Probably even more than 5. For now, I’m going to focus on the most important ones.


By learning to change these habits, you’ll find that you are getting much better and faster results. Sound good?


  1. Stop looking at what everyone else is doing. Learn to swim in your own lane. Too often, entrepreneurs get all caught up with what everyone else is up to and they lose focus on what’s most important to them.


  1. Stop checking social media constantly. Too many entrepreneurs are literally glued to Facebook and others. They’re checking constantly to post updates and to see what is going on. The problem is that it is distracting and takes you off focus.


  1. Stop giving up too quickly. Most entrepreneurs quit after the first “no”, the first failure, the first question and the first difficulty. Most successful people win after many “no’s”, many failures, many questions and many difficulties.   Think of Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, most professional athletes and others.


  1. Stop doing everything yourself. Let go. Give up (some) control and hire the experts to help you where you need support. You’ll find that these experts can do things much faster, better, smarter than you ever could.


  1. Stop continuing old patterns. These habits brought you the results you currently have. Want better results? You need to do things differently.   Mindset is at least 90% of your success (or failure). You choose your thoughts, which will lead to your results.


What do you choose to stop doing today?


Be Brilliant,








P.S. Super Early Bird Tickets are available for the Money Zone Event